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🚘 In 2018, the number of deaths on Spanish roads increased by 15%. However, our society is not affected by being told that they could die behind the wheel. That’s why we raised a dilemma to show drivers that in a car crash, death is not the worst consequence.

In a car accident, who would you rather be:
The one who lives or the one who dies?

By the end of the year, without any change to the law, there was a 10% fall in the number of deaths.


— film alive


— film dead



client | Spanish Ministry of Transport
| Mónica Moro
ecd | Raquel Martínez, Jon Lavín
cd | Álvaro López, Martín Subercaseaux
cw | Agustina Lavignasse
tech director | Enrique Moreno
director | Félix Fernández de Castro


cannes lions | shortlist | Brand experience & activation | 2019
el ojo de Iberoamérica | silver | Film | 2019
el sol | Bronze | film | 2019
cdec (Spanish Creative Circle) | bronze | Ideas | 2019
cdec (Spanish Creative Circle) | bronze | Craft — Copywriting | 2019